RE: GtkEditable vs GtkText functions?

Just an oberservation... I've been trying to fix random gtktext crashes
which sound very simular to what you describe.  The best I've been able to
achive is to minimize the frequency of the crashes by minimizing the number
of actions I take while frozen.  If at all possible try combining mutilple
gtk_text_insert() and/or gtk_text_forward_delete() calls.  Hope this helps.

                                -- Stupid Genius
If you manage to solve your problem with gtktext crashing I would greatly
appreciate it if you could email me your solution!
From:         learfox furry ao net[SMTP:learfox furry ao net]
Reply To:     learfox furry ao net
Sent:         Tuesday, January 09, 2001 6:57 AM
To:   GTK Application Development List
Subject:      GtkEditable vs GtkText functions?

What's the difference between say gtk_editable_delete_text()
and gtk_text_forward_delete()?

If I have a GtkText widget, do I have to do all my inserting and deleting
using gtk_text_*_() functions? Or can I mix the function calls?

I'm asking this because I'm having a lot of crashes due to GtkText and I
was wondering if this may be an issue? Should I use purly
gtk_text_*_() function calls on a GtkText widget?

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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OMNOUMmnne.                  {OMMNNNEEEEOO=_
UOOOBIOOOEOMMn.               'LONMMMMNNEEEOOO=.__..,,..

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