Re: Progress Bar

I am attempting to utilize a progress bar on initialization of my app.
On first use of the app I want to run slocate -u and would like the
progress bar to reflect the process. Any pointers to how I define file
size for the progress bar?

As I recall the gtk_progress_bar_update() function wants an input from 0.0
to 1.0.

So what I would just use stat(file, &stat_buf) to get the size
with stat_buf.st_size. Then as I load the file increment the bytes read
divided by the stat_buf.st_size.  Remember to cast them as (gfloat) or
(gdouble) during your calculation and also make sure that stat_buf.st_size
is not 0.

Was there something specific you had in mind?

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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