window realization

2- What exactly does "realize" mean (as in
widget_realize)? I've tried looking through the docs,
manuals and tutorials, but each time the explaination
just says "use this to realize the widget". No big
help if you don't know what it means :)

There are two parts to any GTK widget: there's the data structures in your
application's memory, and there are the resources consumed on the X server.
Realisation is the process of actually contacting the X server and building the
windows, colourmaps, pixmaps, etc.

This is important in some circumstance because there are some operations that
you can only do before the widget has been realised, and some operations that
can only be done after it has been realised. They're not very common; in my
programs, I never have to worry about it.

So what are these operations?

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