Re: more on re- draw at end of re-size

At 18:49 13-02-01 -0500, you wrote:

"tony K." <tony kwok 3web net> writes:
In order to perform a lengthy graphics generation only at 
the  end of the user window resize operation, when the 
mouse button is released (there was a posting on the 
topic a few days ago), I found a way to do it without the 
use of timers  (worked, but was to ugly for words...).

The suggested way is to have the user turn on wireframe resize instead
of opaque resize. ;-) Or make your graphics generation be
interruptible, so that receiving GUI events will take priority;
e.g. do the graphics stuff in an idle handler a bit at a time. Of
course that can be difficult or impossible in some cases. (Sometimes
you have to use threads for this.)

In any case, there's no simple solution to the general problem here,
which is how to perform a blocking operation without locking the GUI.

I would postulate the general problem differently:
How can an application obtain an event (signal, etc...) 
corresponding to the "mouse up" at the end of the
window resize user-interaction sequence. 

If now appears to me GDK/GTK+ simply has no provision for such 
an elementary GUI building block.
Someone goofed at the design stage.  :(

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