Re: A little unrelated but it's a question about C :)

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Marco Quezada wrote:


I'm trying to debug a program and I need to have a printf statement that
will get called when a float variable turns into NaN.

I tried something like

   printf("%d" , Called_Function_Id);
But the compiler doesn't like it. Is there a way to catch a NaN value
like that?

math.h defines a bunch of useful functions:

 int isinf (double value); returns -1 if value is -infinite, +1 if
it is +infinite and 0 otherwise

 int isnan (double value); returns true if value is NaN, and 0

 int finite (double value); returns true is value is numeric and finite,
and 0 otherwise.

Check the manpage for one of those three functions for more information.

Alexandre Fayolle
Narval is the first software agent available as free software (GPL).
LOGILAB, Paris (France).

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