Re: Can't get x position of a window

If you are calculating the x position of a toplevel window, your code
**must** work well. But if the window is a child window or a simple widget
of your application, the X coordinate is relative to its parents. You
should then try a code like this:

 /* Calculate the absolute coords. of the widget, following the parents */
 GtkWidget *tmpwin =  my_unknown_located_window;
 gint wx, wy;
 gint posx = 0;
 gint posy = 0;
 while (tmpwin) {
  switch (GTK_OBJECT_TYPE(tmpwin)) {
   /* Ignore the following containers */
  case 49429:   /* GtkTable */
  case 46101:   /* GtkHBox */
  case 40725:   /* GtkVBox */
   gdk_window_get_position(tmpwin->window, &wx, &wy);
   posx += wx;
   posy += wy;
  tmpwin = tmpwin->parent;

    posx = absolute x position of my_unknown_located_window;
    posy = absolute y position of my_unknown_located_window;

If anybody knows a better method to do this, please, tell me :-)

Paul Cheyrou escribió:


Can't get x position of a window, despite I tried :

gdk_window_get_root_origin (window, &x, &y);
gdk_window_get_position (window, &x, &y);
gdk_window_get_deskrelative_origin (window, &x, &y);

on Xfree 3, 4 on enlightenment, twm, fvwm, windowmaker...

And alway get a good y postion but x is always equal to 0

Any Clue ?


ps : Amaya 5.3 is out with a GTK version working very well, try it out !
(despite the save window geometry bug on x position ;)
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