Re: reading GIOChannel causes "Segmentation fault"

Am 20 Aug 2001 19:29:08 -0400 schrieb David Helder:

You need to allocate memory for the buffer.


On 19 Aug 2001, Sven Herzberg wrote:

when running the following piece of code, i get a "Segmentation fault"

(009)       Client::Client() {
(012)         pipe(fdFromDonkey);
(016)         pidDonkey = fork();
(017)         if (pidDonkey == 0) {
(023)           dup2(fdFromDonkey[1], fileno(stdout));
(028)           close(fdFromDonkey[0]);
(031)           gchar *argvDonkey[1] = NULL;
(032)           gchar **argvDonkeyPointer = argvDonkey;
(033)           execv("./donkey",argvDonkeyPointer);
(036)         }
(040)         fromDonkey = g_io_channel_unix_new(fdFromDonkey[1]);
(043)         g_io_add_watch(fromDonkey, G_IO_IN, parseText, this);
(045)       }

(056)       gboolean parseText(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition,
                       gpointer client) {
    (057)         uint *readBytes = 0;
    (058)         char buffer[4096];
(064)         g_io_channel_read(source, buffer, 1, readBytes);
(071)         return false;
(072)       }

When my program reaches line (064), it tells me "Segmentatio fault" and
exits. Why does this happen?


Changed it to the prevous (remember this is c++). All values are

it's still segfaulting.

Does anyone have example code? (i'm getting weird)


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