Re: GtkCombo limitations

Nicolas Fournier wrote:

I have a GList including about 2500 items and GtkCombo widget doesn't want to
show me entries anymore.
Is there a numerical limitation for entries in a GtkCombo?
I can only guess here but I believe that I read somewhere that a scrolled
window can only address up to 2^15 pixels, maybe gint16 (max 32767, see def. of
GdkPoint). So if your Font is about 13 Pixels high 2500 would be the approx. 
visible limit. To verify you could try to use a smaller/bigger font. This should 
affect the max number.

The list items themselves are stored in a GList which should be limited by
available memory only.

But another point: Is it really necessary to put more then 2500 entries in such
a list?


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