Re: GtkCTree vs GtkTree?

Depends how heavily you are using the GtkCTree.

To be more specific, the new implementation is MVC based.  As a result,
some uses of the GtkCTree (such as just setting up a list of data, and
forgetting about it) are very similar, and thus straightforward to port
over.  On the other hand, if you are trying to keep multiple trees in
sync (or the tree in sync with other data), or you are reading the data
back from the tree frequently, you will find the new widget a lot easier
to use.  However, you will probably need to restructure your code to
take advantage of this.

I'm not planning to use it extensivly just yet.

I just will have it display a list when the user clicks a menu item and
then have an option to allow the user to select an item on the list and
the program needs to figure out which item the user selected and then
select the actual item on another list.

So the intended tree list is actually a duplicate of two other clists
that I have planned. It dosen't have to be in sync with the other two
clists unless the user clicks on refresh.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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