Blockingsignals for all widgets(except one or two)

Hi All,

I have an applciaiton with many many user contorls(widgets) and under
certain cirecumstances I want to be able to block all the signals from all
widgets excpet one or two.

Is there an easy-ish way to do this?

The gui stores info about bales of wool in several places and under
certain circumstances we don't want any processing to be able to
continue until the user has verified the details being displayed are

I could put in a variable that can be set when I am in the mode where I
want the user to verify before continuing, then test that variable in
every callback, but I have a lot of callbacks and this would be a lot of

Does anyone have a better suggestion or know a way to do this.

I guess what I really want to do is soemthign like


The bit I can't work out is how to do the block all.

Any suggestions very gratefully received.

I am using glade, so there might be some celever way to gt all the child
widgets fromt eh top level window using sem of the support functions, but
I haven't worked out how to do that yet either.

jason tan

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