textarea buffer


I am writing a gtk+ application wherein i have a GtkText widget. I need to
post(insert) some text lines to this textarea. No problem upto this. But now as
i keep on inserting the text the buffer also increases thus incrementing the
load on the memory. I need to control this buffer such that if text increase
beyond certain limit it should free the excess buffer. Any idea how i can
achieve this?

Thanks in advance.
c v joshi

###  Imagination is more important than Knowledge.  ###
                                - Albert Einstien
        Chandrashekhar V Joshi              

        ESG, TTIL, Telco Campus,
        PUNE - 411 018 
        email:   cvjoshi telco co in
        phone:  +91-20-77  42 61  Extn.2049  (off)
                      -740 20 49  (off)
                +91-20-765 26 91  (res)      

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