Re: painting a custom widget

Trey Tabner <ttabner bynari net> writes:
the widget i've just created repaints itself on every GDK_EXPOSE event. 
this way i am sure that it will always appear correctly on the screen
instead of some areas not being painted, or worse, the whole thing.  but
this way i'm doing it seems a bit harsh on the cpu, when i scroll the
widget it repaints nonstop.  is this the way it should be?  i doesn't
seem bad on all the workstations i develop on, but i tried it on a
slower, low end machine and it was slow and noticeable.  am I going at
this the wrong way?  and if so, what's the correct way?

If you repaint the whole widget, it's probably not that efficient; try
repainting only the exposed area.

But it's hard to say other than that why it would be slow, there are
any number of slow things you could be doing...


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