Re: Directing input to another app

brian_urioste att net writes:
Does anybody know how to manipulate widgets in another
X/GTK app from a GTK app?  I'm looking to do something
like xkeycaps' "Type at window".

First I do a gdk_pointer_grab, wait for a button_release
and get a GdkEventButton.  But now what?  


1) How do I take a GdkEventButton and determine what
window was picked?  (I'm thinking I need to somehow use
the event's x_root and y_root.  In X, the XButtonEvent
provides the picked window id in the subwindow field).

2) How do I redirect the input to that picked window? 
(In xkeycaps, XSendEvent is used.)

You can always use X - include gdk/gdkx.h - there's nothing wrong with
that when doing something that's already unportable like this.

But you might look at ee, gimp, and other apps that do screenshots to
see what they do.


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