Re: [gthumb-list] Move/Copy dialog in 2.10.x

Jef Driesen ha scritto:
On 01/03/10 20:30, Paolo Bacchilega wrote:
Matthias Hawran ha scritto:
Are you planning to put back the move/copy dialog from 2.10.x?

no, cut and paste is the preferred way to move files.

I would absolutely miss this feature.

One of my use cases for it is as follows. I have a large collection of images. When I want to make a slideshow or some other presentation, I go through my images, and when I find an image that I want to use, I copy it to a working folder. Doing this with copy-and-past would be a lot of work because I'll always have to go back and forth to the destination and search folder. With the copy dialog, I can stay in my search folder and the destination folder is pre-selected in the copy dialog. Very easy.

I could use catalogs for this purpose, but I often want to make changes to the images that go into my presentation, while I want to keep the original intact. Catalogs are only present in gthumb, and I do most of my modifications outside gthumb (gimp). So that's why I make copies to a working folder.

you can add the images to a catalog and, when you're done, open the catalog and copy and paste in a new folder


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