Re: [gthumb-list] gthumb feedback

On 24/02/10 12:55, Jef Driesen wrote:
I really like the new gthumb. And I have a couple of suggestions to
improve it even further.

I'm experiencing a couple of problems with the latest gthumb (compiled from git master):

1. There appears to be a huge memory leak somewhere in the slideshow code. Every time I start a slideshow, memory usage increases and only drops again when the application exits. The memory also increases with the number of images viewed. A slideshow with many images nearly takes my system down by using all available memory.

2. There appears to be some some incompatibility with the older gthumb 2.10.11 (as shipped by ubuntu 10.4). When trying to browse a folder that I have previously visited with a more recent gthumb version, the old version freezes with the cpu at 100%. I suspect this is due to the different comment file format.

3. When leaving fullscreen mode, I can see lots of window resizing and flicker. No idea what causes this.

There are also a couple of things I'm still missing from the older gthumb:

 * The web album exporter.

* The ability to assign hotkeys to the tools. For example I have a script that moves images to a subdirectory, which I use while I'm viewing a series of image to select a subset of images for later processing. Having to click though the menus makes this a lot less useful for me.

 * The copy/move dialog.

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