Re: [gthumb-list] importer catalogs

On 08/01/10 09:25, Matthias Hawran wrote:
2009/12/22 Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak <mjc avtechpulse com
<mailto:mjc avtechpulse com>>

    Yes, I understand the idea, and I personally can probably get used
    to it.

    However, some people will be very upset, because gThumb is so nice
    for manipulating simple folders (whereas F-Spot forces things into
    albums). They will be annoyed at the use of catalogs when folders
    would do.

    It would be nice to accommodate the folders-only style of workflow too.

    Just my 2 cents :-)

    - Mike

  I definitely  agree with this.
Paolo you may want to recall the discussion on this bug:

The "Custom Subfolder" destination is definitely a feature request from
many users.
Users who prefer (like me) the gthumb point of view over the F-spot one.
Every since Roalt's patch (2 years ago) was issued, I only use the trunk
where the patch was commited.

Like Roalt I feel it should really get released.

Now I'm very excited with the new 2.11.x serie that's in the master branch
and again very grateful for your work Paolo.
IMHO we should get this feature back in the master so it's released.

What do you guys think ?


How about making the subfolder and catalog creation entirely configurable? For the subfolder grouping we could keep the current options (disabled and grouping by data), and add a custom option like we had in trunk.

Automatic subfolder
 * Disabled
 * By date
 * Custom

In the custom field, you can enter any date format you like. Since the setting is now hidden in the preferences dialog, the event field could be used to supply a custom piece of text (like how it used in master to generate a catalog name).

For the catalog creation we could provide exactly the same options. People who don't like the import catalogs, can simply disable them.

For the issue of how to view the imported images when they are split over multiple directories, how about introducing a special import catalog that show the most recent import. So you would only get one catalog. Much like there is (or used to be?) a temporary catalog for images passed on the commandline.

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