Re: [gthumb-list] Picasa export (call for libgdata)

Il 23/08/2010 20:46, Michal Pěnka ha scritto:
Hi Paolos, Michael and other gThumb developpers&fans!

I've just compiled the latest version 2.11.9 and still can reproduce a
bug. I use not only original somebody GMAIL COM account for Picasa web
albums, but mainly my google apps account (actually it is "mixed" with
google account somehow) which is set on my domain (let's say
myname PENKA NAME). I suppose this can be reproduced for any
non-original google accounts (not only google apps but also converted
freemails etc.).

Unfortunately, gThumb probably doesn't recognize this difference and
gives me Cannot retrieve list of albums/Not found.

Actually there's a proposal in bugzilla to use standardized libgdata
(already used in evolution or totem):

The benefit of this solution is that it prevents the duplication of code
and (mainly) waste of programmers' time.

Thanks for your time, Michal Pěnka

I'm not sure about using the libgdata library, and it's too late anyway to use it for version 2.12. I'll try to fix the error you described.

You can go here:
to file new bugs for gthumb, this way you are sure the report will not get lost.

- Paolo

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