Re: GrlNetWc cache?

On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 19:54 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
Great, thank you. I'd be happy to implement it if you can tell me what
you want as an API.

I could see myself requiring a persistent cache for certain requests
(checking the "latest" items, but only if it's more than a certain age).

Yep. But take in account that GrlNet will not cache per sé, but use
libsoup cache feature. So at the end, it will be libsoup the one doing
the cache.

I was thinking on something really simple.

Persistent caches would be created with:

grl_net_wc_persistent_new (gchar *cache_id);

This would create a GrlNet and load the content from the cache with that
identifier; if the cache doesn't exist it will be created.

For most cases, the sources would be using their own source_id as the

Also, to avoid collisions of two applications using Grilo at the same
time, the cache would be stored/loaded in:


I think application_id could be guessed automatically by GrlNet, so it
is not needed to pass it as parameter.

We could add new methods, like grl_net_wc_cache_flush() or
grl_net_wc_cache_empty(). In any case, I think we could add a first
version without them and add them later as they are needed.

Right. I was wondering how libsoup does its caching, and whether we can
avoid hitting the web server when we know the data won't have changed
(because the web server doesn't tell us in the headers, but somewhere in
the data for example).

Yeah, I've asked to one of the guys working on libsoup about how this
works, and there are several rules to find out if a content can be
cached or not. I don't remember exactly which ones. But yes, it depends
mostly on the server and the HTTP headers. For instance, if the server
tells something can't be cached, or cached for a few minutes when you
know it doesn't change at all for several hours, libsoup won't cache it
or cache for those minutes.

I don't know if we want to implement our own mechanism for caching. We
already have all the pieces for caching content (see GRL_NET_CAPTURE),
but main doubts is how to decide something has expired.

Unless I forget something, I think each source uses its own grlnet
object. For the case of persistance, I'll add in the documentation that
is not recommended at all use the same grlnet object at the same time.

I was more concerned about whether multiple GrlNetWc with the same cache
directory wouldn't overwrite each other's entries. The soup_cache_dump()
and soup_cache_load() call make me think that it's a bad idea to use
separate caches (and thus GrlNetWc) for a single cache directory.

As explained above, the idea is to have a different directory per source
and application, to avoid exactly this collisions.

So, let me know what sort of API you want, and I can try and implement
it or we can discuss further in the bug.

As said above, only the grl_net_wc_new_persistent() is the one I have in
mind. If you have any other need, we can add now or later.


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