RE: Problem With File Browsing through Grilo

Okay. Thabnk you. I will try the changes suggested and update the result.

But yes I am looking to use tracker plugin, since it can be used to index not just media files but other types of files too. AS per the suggestion, I will log this in bugzilla

-----Original Message-----
From: Juan A. Suarez Romero [mailto:jasuarez igalia com]
Sent: Wednesday, 13. June 2012 9:03 PM
To: Rakesh Dhanya (RBEI/ECP2)
Cc: grilo-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Problem With File Browsing through Grilo

On Wed, 2012-06-13 at 23:08 +0800, Rakesh Dhanya (RBEI/ECP2) wrote:
> Am I doing something wrong in my code?. I have attached the code once
> again.

I guess so, unless your code is actually a pseudo-code :)

This the "offending" line:

 GList *mediaList = grl_media_source_browse_sync (GRL_MEDIA_SOURCE
(source), media_from_id("<Path to Media Files >"), keys, 0, 10,

The key is the media_from_id(): the ID of a media is something defined
by the plugin, and thus it isn't the URI or the path to the media file.
Granted, in the case of grl-filesystem, it turns out that the ID ==
path. But not in other sources. And could be that in future
grl-filesystem changes the way it creates IDs, so I wouldn't rely on
this assumption.

So, what is the correct way of doing it: using
grl_media_source_test_media_from_uri() and

In the first, case you invoke it with a source and an uri (it must be
uri, like file:///home/myhome/myfile.mp3, not a path), and it returns
TRUE if the source can return a Grilo media with that URI. If so, you
can use  grl_media_source_get_media_from_uri(): it works similar to
grl_media_source_metadata() but you pass an URI instead of a GrlMedia.

Note also that not all plugins implement it: use
grl_metadata_source_supported_operations() to check if
GRL_OP_MEDIA_FROM_URI is implemented.

Checking both Tracker and Filesystem plugin, seems that only the later
is implementing it. If you really need it for Tracker, I suggest to file
a bug.

Hope this helps you.


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