Re: [PATCH 3/6] core: made plugin registry handle itself key id assignments

On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 07:00 +0000, Iago Toral wrote:
>  In summary, feel free to go ahead and push the changes if you
> consider 
>  you have done enough testing. 

Please, do not push them yet.

As I do not want to break applications relying in current version, the
intention is to branch current upstream, so we would have 0.1.x and
upstream would become the future 0.2.x.

I keep both branches because probably some of the patches going to
upstream (the new 0.2.x version) can be applied to 0.1.x. So we would be
maintaining for a while this branch, allowing people using it or moving
to the next 0.2.x version.


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