IDEA: Map search/queries to browse categories

Hi again,

one more thing I forgot.

I think it would be great to map search queries to browse categories. Say for example that you usually check out videos on Youtube that match a particular query. Rather than repeating the same query every day you want to check if there is new stuff there, you can just map that to a browse category so it shows up when you browse contents on Youtube (for example as a special subcategory called "saved searches"). When you browse that category, it automatically executes the search operation mapped to it. The end user would see no difference from a regular category.

This feature would be particularly interesting for systems where text editing is not easy, like any system with on-screen keyboard: STBs, consoles, smartphones, tablets, etc.

The idea would be to provide generic API for this and make it so that plugin developers can get this feature for free, that is, that they do not have to implement anything at all or at least, if they have, make it so that it is very straight forward.


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