Re: URL support

Well, two things about this:

1) The idea of these keys is *not* to show information about the resources, 
it is to *play* the resources.

What I want is developers to know *how* they can play something, so they can 
play it in 3 forms:

a) Playing the stream url directly if available.
b) If the service is online and provides means to play the content on the web, 
then they provide that url
c) Sometimes sites provide a player object for app developers to embed, in that 
case we can provide the player url.

Since the idea is not to show information about the resource, but to play it, 
if we want to provide info about the resource (the artist info for example you 
mentioned below) we should use another key. I don't want to mix both things. 
In the case of playable resources *maybe* this two keys would have the same 
value (or maybe not), but it is important for the developer, because he knows, 
depending on the use case, the url he has to use and if it is available or not.

Notice that the way the developer enables de app to play the content is *different* 
in each case:

a) Play with gstreamer or other multimedia fw.
b) Open a *web* browser
c) Load player resource into app

For b) the developers have to know how they can play that url, they have to 
know what kind of application they have to use to consume that url, in this 
case a browser (unless somebody can give me an example that points to something 
different). But in any case, I think it is a good idea that we provide information 
about what kind of resource we are providing the developer with, in this case 
if the key is GRL_METADATA_KEY_{WEB/SITE/etc}_URL the developer knows it is 
a *web* resource and that he can open a web browser to consume it (or not if 
the platform/product does not ship a browser, for example).


On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 15:43:49 +0200, "Juan A. Suarez Romero"
<jasuarez igalia com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 14:56 +0200, Iago Toral Quiroga wrote:
>> When the stream is playable on the web (like youtube), this is the URL
>> of web page for that resource. For example, in the case of Youtube:
> GRL_METADATA_KEY_WEB_URL sounds too much to web :)
> Maybe something like GRL_METADATA_KEY_RESOURCE_URL would make more
> sense. Rationale is that, if I understand correctly, this is the
> "homepage" of the resource, in this case a video.
> But in other plugins, like Jamendo, within a GrlMediaBox representing an
> artist, this key would point to the "homepage" of the artist inside
> Jamendo.
> If above is correct, I must say that I thought GRL_METADATA_KEY_SITE was
> the appropriate key for this kind of information. So far, I was using it
> in this sense: it points to the resource's "site" (or "homepage").
> 	J.A.
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