Re: [PATCH 00/18] Flickr's personal source (grilo plugins part)

On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 14:50 +0200, Iago Toral Quiroga wrote:
> any particular reason why you want it to be in master and not in a
> branch while we take our time to discuss this topic?

Main reason is because I want to move this Flickr personal source to
master and try new things with it (mainly, uploading content to flickr).
Goal is to have a demo about how to have "personal" sources for each
user. Also, I didn't see too much opposite to do it.

In any case, I think the blocker you see here is actually this helper
library, not the source itself, isn't it?

Well, IMHO, this helper library has nothing to do with Grilo, though it
is provided in a specific plugin (just in order to share some code) and
clearly separated from the plugin itself.

In any case, as I'm afraid this discussion about offering this library
with the plugin or not will delay too much the important feature (that
is, the personal source), what do you think if I remove this helper
library and add the code to grilo-test-ui, so it still can use the
personal source?

Thus, anyone interesting in seeing how to get a token can take a look at
grilo-test-ui. And if finally we see in future it would be helper to
offer these functions to user, we can move them from test-ui to
appropriate place.


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