Re: Vimeo plugin

O Xov, 29-04-2010 ás 16:40 +0200, Joaquim Rocha escribiu:
> Hi folks,
> I am sending you the patch with Xabier's review.
> I would like to thank him here for the review work.
> It got indeed better.
> +static gchar *
> +get_play_url_from_vimeo_xml (const gchar *xml, gint video_id)
> +{
> +  xmlDocPtr doc = xmlRecoverDoc ((xmlChar *) xml);
> +  xmlXPathContextPtr context = xmlXPathNewContext (doc);
> +  gchar *request_signature = get_node_text (context,
> +					    "/xml/request_signature[1]");
> +  gchar *signature_expires = get_node_text (context,
> +					    "/xml/request_signature_expires[1]");
> +
> +  gchar *url = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d/%s/%s/?q=sd",
> +			        video_id,
> +				request_signature,
> +				signature_expires);

Something I didn't like the first and the second time, but I didn't
complain before was this. I don't like declaring a variable by assigning
the value of a function, and then using this value to declare another
variable with another function call. It is like a subset of declaring
variables where you want. I think this does not help to much to

What do other think about this?


Xabier Rodríguez Calvar
Enxeñeiro en Informática

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