Re: YouTube plugin and libgdata

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:59:03 +0100, Philip Withnall
<philip tecnocode co uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 13:43 +0200, Iago Toral wrote:
>> Ups, actually I am working on the same thing... I already
>> have the search() working....
>> On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 13:22:50 +0200, Víctor M. Jáquez L.
>> <vjaquez igalia com> wrote:
>> > Hi Philip,
>> > 
>> > On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 07:24:18PM +0100, Philip Withnall wrote:
>> >> I've taken a look at the YouTube plugin in Grilo, and I'm wondering why
>> >> it doesn't use libgdata[1]. libgdata's got a fairly stable YouTube
>> > 
>> > I'm trying to play around with this task, but I've stuck with a simple thing:
>> > how, in gdata, could grab the list of categories available in youtube?
>> Looks like you can't, you have to parse it on your own as we are doing right 
>> now...
> That's correct. I didn't know this API existed before (the Totem plugin
> doesn't deal with categories at all), but I'll add support for it to
> libgdata in time for the 0.7 release. I've filed a bug where you can see
> the progress[1].
> For the moment, though, you'll have to continue to parse
> yourself, since it'll be a while until libgdata 0.7's out, and currently
> only version 0.6.4 is on GNOME's external dependency list. 0.7 is going
> to break API and ABI from 0.6.x.
> Are there any other problems so far?

Yeah, based on my work so far I have some things to share:

For the browse() operations in Grilo we define a set of categories like this 
in the Youtube plugin:

  ----- standard-feeds
           ------- Top Rated
           ------- Most Viewed
           ------- ...
  ----- categories
           ------- Sports
           ------- Trailers
           ------- ....

When user browses "root/standard-feeds" we show all the standard-feeds and metadata 
associated with them (like total items available in that feed), same goes for 

As a side note, it would be nice to have API also to get a list of supported 
feeds (that would help us with maintaining the structure if feeds are added 
or removed), but this is not very important.

One thing that I did notice though is that obtaining the  # of items in a feed, 
for example, is particularly slower than in our ad-hoc implementation (which 
just invokes a url like 
and extracts the total_result count without even parsing de XML) and I wonder 
if the problem is that we are not using libgadata properly for this purpose, 
this is what I am doing to resolve the item count for each feed:

    GDataQuery *query = gdata_query_new_with_limits (NULL, 0, 1);
    feed = gdata_youtube_service_query_standard_feed (service,
    if (feed) {
      childcount = gdata_feed_get_total_results (feed);
      g_object_unref (feed);

I know I should not use the sync version, I am planning to change that, but 
our current implementation is also synchronous and it is clearly quicker, so 
I felt like I should comment that.

Some other thing I noticed comparing both versions is that the ad-hoc version 
has better response times and the addition of the items in the UI is more continuous. 
I think this happens because we hand items to the UI as soon as we have parsed 
them. In libgdata if you parse an XML with 50 items you won't get any of then 
in the UI until all of them have been parsed. Also, libgadata parses a lot more 
information per item than our ad-hoc implementation did (or so I guess) which 
I guess adds some penalty to the processing time.


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