Re: [gnumeric-list] Re: python plugins

this wouldn't be a problem but the module gnumeric is missing also in pip2.
Even if deprecated and end-of-life since January python2 is still installed in
any linux box.


On Fri, 3 Apr 2020, Jean Bréfort wrote:


The Python support in gnumeric is limited to Python-2, it can't work
with Python-3.


Le jeudi 02 avril 2020 à 22:10 +0200, Walter Cazzola a écrit :
Dear All,
I'm a long time user of gnumeric, today I would like to add a quite
python plugin that I'm writing but I have hard time to:
   - find the gnumeric module that all the examples I found around
   - find some recent tutorial/documentation about python plugin

I already did some attempt without much luck. My test is:

    from Gnumeric import GnumericError, GnumericErrorVALUE
    import Gnumeric
    import string

    def test_func(coord):
      return coord

    test_functions = {
       'test_func' : test_func

stored in ~/.gnumeric/1.12.46/plugins/test/ with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plugin id="Gnumeric_ExamsPlugin">
                <name>Python Test Plugin</name>
                <description>A test for python plugins.</description>
        <loader type="Gnumeric_PythonLoader:python">
                <attribute name="module_name" value="test"/> 3
                <service type="function_group" id="test"> 4
                        <category>Local Python</category>
              <function name="test_func"/>

but I can't compile it because of the import (no module is found) and
when I
try to select it in tools→plugins I get the error:

   Error while activating plugin "Python Test Plugin".
   Error while activating plugin dependencies.
   Couldn't find plugin with ID="Gnumeric_PythonLoader".

To me seems quite evident that the module gnumeric is not in my
system but I
can't find it neither through pip/pip3, through "dnf search" nor
googling it.

I'm on a fedora linux box with gnumeric 1.12.46, python 3.7

Any help is really appreciated.


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