Re: how to fill a range of cells by a date-type serie?

El dl 12 de 03 de 2018 a les 19:39 +0100, en/na barewillysprl va escriure:
how to fill a range of cells by a date-type serie?

Hi, in 1.12.32, catalan locale:

I type gener enter febrer enter
Results in two cells with the two first names of months, select the two cells.
Now put the pointer in the bottom right corner of the selection, a thin cross should appear, click and drag 
down and you are done, the names of the 12
moths will appear in series, works too with abreviations.
No need for control nor alt keys.

I've noticed that this is locale dependent, say when I run gnumeric in catalan locale it doesn't work if I 
write the month names in English and try the
Also, you must type and select at least the first two cells, otherwise gnumeric will just copy the entered 
text around.


Here on gnumeric-1.10.17

The gnumeric manual tells to define date serie the same way as number.

I tried reproduce that process using the Ctrl key on a range of cells 
whose first cell has been filled with Jan; but nope :(

I also tried using the Menu/Data/Fill/Series and there checking the 
Thumbnail Series
Series in: Row (or Column)
Type: date
Start value: Jan
Step value: her have tried various values as 1, m, mm, etc but did not 
succeed ! :(
Stop value:Dec

Thumbnail Options
Date Unith: Month

Thumbnail Output
Output range: Sheet1!A1:A12

Many thanks for any solution especially for filling the «Step value:»

Best regards

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