RE:how to use the GoGraphWidget

thanke a lot, I will look at your code, once I figure out how t plot only one curve :)

I wrote this but I get this errors when running.

** (ghkl:24316): CRITICAL **: gog_plot_get_series: assertion 'GOG_IS_PLOT (plot)' failed

** (ghkl:24316): CRITICAL **: gog_plot_new_series: assertion 'GOG_IS_PLOT (plot)' failed

** (ghkl:24316): WARNING **: gog_dataset_set_dim called with invalid GogDataset

** (ghkl:24316): WARNING **: gog_dataset_set_dim called with invalid GogDataset

Am I missing something ?

I use goffice-0.10 n Debian stretch (testing)

static double values[6] = {10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60.};
static double indexs[6] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

static void
insert_histogram_data (GogPlot *plot)
        GSList *list;
        GogSeries *series;
        GOData *data;
        GError *error;

        /* Create a series for the plot and populate it with some simple data */
        list = (GSList *)gog_plot_get_series (plot);
        if (g_slist_length (list) == 1)
                series = g_slist_nth_data (list, 0);
                series = gog_plot_new_series (plot);

        data = go_data_vector_val_new (indexs, 6, NULL);
        gog_series_set_dim (series, 0, data, &error);
        data = go_data_vector_val_new (values, 5, NULL);
        gog_series_set_dim (series, 1, data, &error);

static void set_up_trajectory(HklGuiWindow* self)
        HklGuiWindowPrivate *priv = HKL_GUI_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE(self);

        if(NULL == priv->graph){
                GogGraph *graph;
                GogChart *chart;
                GogLabel *label;
                GogPlot *plot;
                GOData *data;
                const char *service_id = "GogXYPlot";
                priv->graph = GO_GRAPH_WIDGET(go_graph_widget_new(NULL));

                graph = go_graph_widget_get_graph(priv->graph);
                /* Add a title */
                label = (GogLabel *) g_object_new (GOG_TYPE_LABEL, NULL);
                data = go_data_scalar_str_new (service_id, FALSE);
                gog_dataset_set_dim (GOG_DATASET (label), 0, data, NULL);
                gog_object_add_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (graph), "Title", GOG_OBJECT (label));

                /* Get the chart created by the widget initialization */
                chart = go_graph_widget_get_chart (priv->graph);
                /* Create a plot and add it to the chart */
                plot = (GogPlot *) gog_plot_new_by_name (service_id);
                gog_object_add_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (chart), "Plot", GOG_OBJECT (plot));
                /* Add a legend to the chart */
                gog_object_add_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (chart), "Legend", NULL);


        gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(priv->box_trajectory),
                            TRUE, TRUE, (guint) 0);

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