[Gnumeric] CVS-link broken or obsolete

Good morning

the link that is published on
and sends me to http://www.gnome.org/devel/whatiscvs.shtml
is broken or should be replaced.

I would like to have access to the current development-version of the
source-code and do not remember how I have retrieved either the code
from CVS or a snapshot package in the past.

There is a cookie-warning on www.gnumeric.org which is by far too much
“Google” for me to accept and so I will not know what awaits me “on the
other side” of that.

Thanks for any helpful direction.


GnuPG/OpenPGP  4096R/3216CF02 2013-11-15 [expires: 2015-11-15]
Michael Uplawski (privat) <michael uplawski uplawski eu>
sub   4096R/2751C550 2013-11-15 [expires: 2015-11-15]
[Next key will use elliptic-curve algorithm! Get GnuPG!!]

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