Re: manual with all of the charting modules


Hope you are having fun with Gnumeric.

The manual is in a sorry state. We did massive work writing it many years ago but, since then, little has been done to maintain it. While the manual says version 1.12, that is merely because the version number is automatically updated on release; most of the content and screenshots come from a much earlier version. Also, because the manual is quite large, it is often omitted from being installed or comes in a separate package and, under windows, I am not sure the automatic links ever worked correctly.
I am not sure of the state of Pivot tables in Gnumeric 1.12. However, 
they did not exist when the manual was last seriously updated so it is 
likely that they are not discussed at all in the manual even if they do 
Sorry about the state of disarray. I've been meaning for years to spend 
a week or so bringing things up to date, at least enough to make clear 
when topics are missing. However, somehow I never get around to it.

On 2/26/15 9:16 AM, ftr wrote:

Working with gnumeric 1.12 under windows I look for a manual that
explains all of the charting modules, in particular matrix, statistics
plots, contour plot.

I found a manual for version 1.12 :

but it does not treat all of the charting modules that version 1.12
runs  (work in progress).
In my French version a matrix plot is shown between the contour and the
min-max plot. The Aide button links to the error message "topic
chapter-graphs not found".
Where can I get a manual ?

Second question: What do you get with Data > table ? I guess it is
something like a pivot table in Libreoffice ? I look for its equivalent
in gnumeric.
I did not find an entry in the help, so any hint would be appreciated.


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