Re: Excel data table does not work in Gnumeric

Please file a bug report against Gnumeric at On
first glance there seem to be a problem how we import the table
function. I see: =table(,F4) so either the first argument is missing and
should not be, or our table function has the wrong default.


On Sun, 2014-01-12 at 11:42 -0800, hayden wrote:
This is my first post so it will probably contain errors.  I will try for a
balance between extraneous versus missing detail.

Short Version:  I created a data table via the menus in Excel 2000.  It
works fine when I open it with Excel 2000 on another machine, but does not
work in Gnumeric (or Kingsoft or OpenOffice).

I am running a simulation and gathering the results in a data table.  The
table should have a result for each time the simulation is run (just 25
times for testing purposes).  If I press F9, I should get another, different
set of 25 results.  This works in Excel 2000.  Ultimately it is intended for
educational use and I would like it to run in a free spreadsheet.  Opening
the file in gnumeric 1.10-16 it looks fine but when I press F9 I just get 25
copies of the last run instead of results for 25 different runs.  Using
Kingsoft 2012, the spreadsheet looks OK on opening but if I press F9 I just
see the original 25 outcomes.  This is all on the machine where I created
the file, and that version of Excel has several add-ins, so I copied the
file to another machine and did a clean install of Office 2000.  My
spreadsheet still works fine in Excel 2000 without add-ins.  This machine
has OpenOffice 3.4 on it and when I open the spreadsheet there it is already
25 copies of the same number instead of 25 different outcomes.  I installed
gnumeric 1.12-9 on the second machine and it is just like 1.10-16 (does not
work).  It works in Excel 2000 in CrossoverOffice on a third machine running
Linux. From my vantage point of total ignorance I am wondering if the
alternate spreadsheets decided to speed things up by not recalculating the
table "if nothing has changed".  I admit the table is odd in that the input
value does not appear in the quantity being calculated.  In Excel, changing
the input value prompts a recalculation anyway, and the result is different
because the output of rand() changes each time you recalculate.  As far as I
know, what I am doing is standard practice for running simulations in Excel,
so it seems to me a bug if gnumeric cannot do this.  I am following a paper
published 14 years ago.  My spreadsheet file is just 20k and contains no
macros or VBA -- just stuff from the default menu and function list (AFAIK). 
I am guessing the first step would be to see if anyone else can get this to
run in Excel and confirm that it does NOT run in gnumeric. The file is at
<>  .  Cells G5:G29 is where the
different programs differ.

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