Re: Gnumeric Python: get position of the current selected cell

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 14:30:37 +0200
Von: Jean Brefort <jean brefort normalesup org>
An: scrutinizer gmx at
CC: gnumeric-list gnome org
Betreff: Re: Gnumeric Python: get position of the current selected cell
It is not possible in 1.10 but might be in next version if somebody
helps with porting the Python plugins to using introspection.


Ah ok, thanks for the reply.

I have a partial solution (this is a rather ugly thing, because I almost don't know anything about gnumeric 
internals). It took really long time to geht that running! ;)

The drawback is, it uses always only the first sheet.

So it works in following manner:
it should always copy the entered text of the cell above into the current cell.

I have patched /gnumeric-1.10.17/plugins/python-loader/py-gnumeric.c:


py_sheet_cell_active_pos_method (py_Sheet_object *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject *


  {(char *) "cell_active_pos",
   (PyCFunction) py_sheet_cell_active_pos_method,        METH_VARARGS},

#include "sheet-view.h"

static PyObject *
py_sheet_cell_active_pos_method (py_Sheet_object *self, PyObject *args)
  GnmCellPos cell_pos;

  GPtrArray   *views = self->sheet->sheet_views;

  SheetView *view = g_ptr_array_index (views, 0); // 0?????

  cell_pos = view->edit_pos;

  return py_new_CellPos_object (&cell_pos);

and my py file looks like: (only that function):

def f_fill(gui):
    wb  = gui.get_workbook()


    tup = z.get_tuple()
    if tup[1] == 0:
        print "this is the upper cell, no cell above"
        return #there is no value up there
    c = s.cell_fetch(tup[0], tup[1]-1)
    entered_text = c.get_entered_text()

If I bind it to a shortcut key, it is rather efficient.

Is there any way to bind a function permanently to a shortcut?

Do you have any hint, how to get the "active" (the currently selected sheet)? and have the function 
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