Re: Problem with updating cells

On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 17:44 -0700, C. Mark Cowart wrote:

I have two sheets in one Gnumeric workbook.  One sheet, "Numbers",
contains a series of number 

groups.  Each number group has six two-digit numbers.  Each two-digit
number is in one cell.  

There is one number group on one row.  There are several hundred
number groups, therefore, there 

are several hundred rows.  

Each two-digit number in each number group of six numbers is in a
column.  The first two-digit 

number in a number group is in the first column.  The second two-digit
number in a number group 

is in the second column, etc.

The goal is to determine the frequency of instances of a particular
number in a given column.  

For example, how often does the number 01 occur in the first column of
numbers?  This answer is 

then referenced to second sheet, "Numbers_Frequencies".

An example of the formula that is used for this action is as
"=COUNTIF('Numbers'!$B:$B, 01+'Numbers_Frequencies'!C6)".

The COUNTIF function for the above formula is to count the number of
instances of the number 01 

in column B on Sheet "Numbers" and reference it to cell C6 on Sheet
I am not sure what you mean! 
=COUNTIF('Numbers'!$B:$B, 01+'Numbers_Frequencies'!C6)
will evaluate 01+'Numbers_Frequencies'!C6 and count the number of cells
in column B of the sheet Numbers that contains the value 

What do you mean with "reference it to cell C6"?

There are 326 variations of the above COUNTIF formula.  They calculate
all of the instances of 

all of the numbers in a given range of numbers for all of the number
groups in one sheet, and 

then reference them to a second sheet.

After entering all of the formulas, I was able to undate all of the
instances of the given 

numbers that were already in the Numbers Sheet to the appropriate
reference cells in the 

Numbers-Frequencies Sheet, but when I added a new row of numbers, the
instances did not update 

properly.  In fact, most, if not all, of the frequency values were
changed, and incorrectly.  In 

other words, I had a major screw up.  

Fortunately, I had a back up of the original workbook.  I attempted to
update with a new row of 

numbers again, but the same thing occurred.  So, I have a problem.
Gnumeric does not seem to do 

what it is supposed to do.

What could be the problem?  Is there a bug in Gnumeric 1.10.16 that
prevents the accurate 

updating of values between sheets?
I am not aware of any such bug (but of course that does not mean such a
bug does not exist.)

Could you provide your workbook and an detailed explanation what you are
doing and what you would expect the result to be (where you observe
something else).



Andreas Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>

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