TODO / Wishlist


I am interested in contributing to Gnumeric as a developer.  In particular, I am most interested in trying to build-out the scripting capabilities of Gnumeric.  There's a lot of things that already work surprisingly well in Gnumeric.  Thank you!

From this TODO / wishlist page...

I see this:
Scripting. After some vacilation trying to decide between wrapping Gnumeric's object model, and providing something that is VBA compatible, the latter won. We'll export an api in C that is compatible with the widely used VBA interface, and wrap it in several languages (Python, VB.NET, and C# are likely candidates).

Can someone flesh this out a little?  Or point me to old posts on the matter.  I am familiar the Excel VBA model, but I can't get my head around those two sentences.  Is the goal to expose the Gnumeric object model as the VBA model via a C interface.  Then other scripting languages (Python, Perl, etc.) can build from this object model?

This is a huge project by itself.  Nevertheless, I am interested.  Please let me know where things stand and where I can begin to read code and poke around.  I'll need to start by just reading the code base for a while to get a feel for how it works.


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