Re: Complex Calculations

Ralph Shumaker wrote:
Norman Frederick wrote:
I thank you both for your answers. You got me on the right direction in spite of my typing errors. In my SS C is the date Sold, D is the amount rcvd, E is the date Bought, F is the amount Paid, G is short and H is long term. Even the IRS will not argue with 365 days as a year. Exactly 365 is a condition so improbable that I can live with it. When I finally put Shumakers formula in correctly it worked just as I wanted. What I ended with is:
=IF(Cn-En<365,Dn-Fn,) for Gn and
=IF(Cn-En>365,Dn-Fn,) for Hn Thanks again. Maybe some day I can help someone else.

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