Re: Replacing blank cells

What about doing replace
Value to replace: (just leave blank)
Replace with: NA

While it will be a string, not the value NA, it is close to what you want.
That's what I did some time ago (I think).

Uri David

On 8/15/07, Morten Welinder <mwelinder gmail com> wrote:
If you have a column of data (nor formulas) and some of them are
blank, you can do
it the following way.  Say the column with data is A.

1. In B1 enter =IF(ISEMPTY(A1),NA(),A1)
2. Copy B1 into B2...B42 or as far down as needed.
3. Select the B column and press Ctrl-C
4. Select A1 and right-click to get "Paste Special"
5. Select "Values" in the popup menu.
6. Clean up by removing column B.

Note: this turns formulas into values!

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