Re: Gnumeric 1.7.0. on Windows: comments/observations

On Sun, Oct 15, 2006 at 11:26:52AM +0200, Christian Ritter wrote:
6. (already mentioned in a bug report): The (implicit) handling of some 
matrix calculations is inconsistent with what Excel does. On first 
sight, the Excel way is not all that "logical", but it's extremely 
practical. For example, Xmat*Weight where Xmat is a nxp matrix and 
Weight a nx1 vector results in WXmat where all columns of X are (scalar) 
multiplied by Weight. Gnumeric does this only for the first column. The 
same works when Weight is a 1xp vector. In this case the resulting WXmat 
has the rows of Xmat (scalar) multiplied by weight. A third example is 
the behavior of =if(vector=transpose(vector),1,0) . If the elements of 
vector are different, this generates an identity matrix under Excel. 
Under gnumeric, this doesn't work.
This will be patched in 1.7.2 due out tonight.

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