Re: debian sid gnumeric 1.6.1 doesnt have "database" tab in tools or data

On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 10:41:24 -0500, Mitchell Laks wrote:
At work i have a sarge install which is  gnumeric 1.4.3 i think. It has a
database menu item that invokes the gnome database  application. How come
I don't  see it in the 1.6.1 version in debian sid? 

There is no gnumeric 1.6.1 in sid anymore; sid has 1.6.2(-3) currently.

Gnumeric in sid is not built with GDA support, because the version of libgda
needed by gnumeric 1.6.x's GDA bindings is not available in sid. As of
1.6.2-2, the descriptions of the packages have been updated to reflect this.

Should I file a bug in debian or is it an "upstream issue".

It's not an upstream issue, nor is it a bug in sid's gnumeric packages. You
could file a bug against the GDA packages in Debian. Once suitable GDA
packages are available in sid, it will be possible to reenable GDA support
in the gnumeric builds for sid.

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