Re: xls command line convertion

is it possible to convert files using the command line?


~/private/gnome/gnumeric/src> ./ssconvert --help
 ssconvert [OPTION...] INFILE [OUTFILE]

Help Options:
 -?, --help                         Show help options

Application Options:
 -v, --version                      Display program version
 -L, --lib-dir=DIR                  Set the root library directory
 -D, --data-dir=DIR                 Adjust the root data directory
 -E, --import-encoding=ENCODING     Optionally specify an encoding
for imported content
 -I, --import-type=ID               Optionally specify which importer to use
 --list-importers                   List the available importers
 -T, --export-type=ID               Optionally specify which exporter to use
 --list-exporters                   List the available exporters
 -S, --export-file-per-sheet        Export a file for each sheet if
the exporter only supports one sheet at a time.

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