Re: gnumeric 1.7.x for windows?

Hi Christian,

Christian Ritter wrote:
I see that there have been quite a number of changes/enhancements since the pre release 1.7 for windows. Is there hope to see a new windows binary before Xmas or shortly after?
The installer for 1.7.6 has been out a few days ago. Feel free to test it.

> On this subject: could someone
who has successfully done it explain to me what I have to do to build gnumeric 1.7.x under windows? What do I need as base installation and runtimes?
Yes, this:

is what I have been working on and Alberto Ruiz and I are starting an effort which includes to push those packages as a one of the standard way to compile g* packages for win32.
> Would it be hard to compile in the python support?
To compile the python support, no it's not that hard. However, I got a strange segfault deep inside the stackframe of python25.dll when calling one of the py_func, I am now trying to make my own checked build of python2.5/win32 to understand the problem...
Ivan, Wong Yat Cheung <ivan w student cityu edu hk>
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