Compiling goffice-0.3.0 on mingw32

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Hi all,

recently I tried to compile goffice-0.3.0 on mingw32/MS Windows. This
worked fine, except for two issues:

Firstly the headers <pwd.h> and <grp.h> with the functions getpwuid()
and getgrgid() respectively are unavailable even in the more recent
Mingw32 versions (although I haven't checked for more updates after my
last mingw update ~3 months ago). I'd like to ask to have that
respective code in goffice/utils/go-file.c enclosed in some conditional
compilation. The attached patch implements this.

Secondly and probably much less important, some of the libgsf windows
binaries that are available somewhere online (notably from ) don't contain the
proper linker flags or linker libraries for gsf-gnome. For example, the
available binary -dev package installs the actual libgsf-gnome-1-114.dll
library into $prefix/bin (as usual on windows), but it doesn't install
an additional libgsf-gnome-1.dll.a there. This is a fault of the
libgsf-gnome packager clearly -- however, in goffice this will result in
a failing check for g_access() with the config.log message "ld.exe:
cannot find -lgsf-gnome-1-114". BUT ./configure doesn't stop here and
instead finishes successfully, and a nonsuspecting user like me just
started the compile, until I encountered this error message:
 goffice-gtk.c:51:2: #error "A glib with g_access is required for Win32"
Which is very confusing. I would kindly ask to

- - let ./configure fail if the HAVE_G_ACCESS has failed on windows

- - and maybe check for the correct linker flags of libgsf-gnome...
however, making configure fail instead of the #error is probably much
more important, and simpler as well.

Best regards,

Christian Stimming

(by way of the GnuCash windows porting trial)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Attachment: goffice-0.3.0-patch.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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