Re: [libgsf] property write support

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 10:42:55AM +0200, Karl Pitrich wrote:
Hi Jody,

we've added property-write support to libgsf and are contributing it
under LGPL. We're hope that you review the changes and commit them to
CVS. Please find a patch against last thursday's CVS-HEAD in the
attached message.

Lovely.  I've been hoping someone would finish this off.
The author of the patch is Manuel Mausz, thus please contact him
directly for questions regarding the code.
The patch is nice work.  I've got some suggestions to improve the
maintainability.  Welcome to the fun of open-source and code-review.

+msole_gsf_name_to_prop_id (char const *name)
+     GsfMSOleMetaDataPropMap const *map = NULL;
+     unsigned i = 0;
+     map = component_props;
+     i = G_N_ELEMENTS (component_props);
+     while (i-- > 0) {
+             if (!strncmp(map[i].gsf_name, name, strlen(map[i].gsf_name)))
+                     return map[i].id;
+     }
+     map = document_props;
+     i = G_N_ELEMENTS (document_props);
+     while (i-- > 0) {
+             if (!strncmp(map[i].gsf_name, name, strlen(map[i].gsf_name)))
+                     return map[i].id;
+     }
+     map = common_props;
+     i = G_N_ELEMENTS (common_props);
+     while (i-- > 0) {
+             if (!strncmp(map[i].gsf_name, name, strlen(map[i].gsf_name)))
+                     return map[i].id;
+     }
This is wasteful.  Please create some hash tables.

+static GsfMSOleVariantType
+msole_gsf_name_to_prop_type (char const *name)
and this is duplicate code.  Please merge these two routines into
something that does the lookup and returns a
        GsfMSOleMetaDataPropMap const *
Then add convenience wrappers if necessary.

+static guint32
+gsf_align_to_32bit(gsf_off_t offset) {
I don't see this used in your patch.  Why do we need it ?
+static void
+add_props(gpointer name, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
We use a naming convention of
for callbacks.  It's also preferable to use the right types here in
the decl, and cast the function pointer down below in the foreach.

+     if (memcmp(name, GSF_META_NAME_LANGUAGE, sizeof(GSF_META_NAME_LANGUAGE)) &&
+         memcmp(name, GSF_META_NAME_DICTIONARY, sizeof(GSF_META_NAME_DICTIONARY))) {
It seems simpler to map the name to id, then compare those rather
than this.

+             gboolean error = FALSE;
+             guint32 it = ((AddPropsStruct *)user_data)->it;
+             GsfMSOleMetaDataProp_real *props = NULL;
+             props = &((AddPropsStruct *)user_data)->props[it];
See comment re: function argument types above.

+             gsf_off_t offset;
+             GValue *tmp = NULL;
+             GsfDocPropVector *vector = NULL;
+             guint vector_num_values = 1;
+             guint i;
Beware of non-C89 variable declarations,  some compilers are not as
permissive as gcc.

+             for (i=0; i < vector_num_values; i++) {
The majority case here will be non-vector.  Could we call this
something other than vector_num_values ?  That makes this code seem
vector specific.

+                                     offset += 1;
+                                     break;
+                             case G_TYPE_INT:
+                                     switch(msole_gsf_name_to_prop_type((char *)name)) {
+                                             case VT_I2:
+                                                     props->type = VT_I2;
+                                                     offset += 2;
+                                                     break;
+                                             case VT_I4:
+                                                     props->type = VT_I4;
+                                                     offset += 4;
+                                                     break;
To ease readability please merge the VT_I4 and default cases.
+                             case G_TYPE_UINT:
+                                     switch(msole_gsf_name_to_prop_type((char *)name)) {
As above.

+                     case VT_FILETIME:
+                             timestamp = (GsfTimestamp const *)g_value_get_boxed((GValue *)prop->value);
+                             timet_value = (time_t)timestamp->timet;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+                             timet_value += 11644473600i64;
+                             timet_value += 11644473600ULL;
Can we get this into #define

+gsf_msole_metadata_write_real (GsfOutput *out, GsfDocMetaData *meta_data,
+     gboolean doc_not_component, GError **err)
+     gboolean success = TRUE;
+     gsf_off_t offset = 0;
+     guint8 header[] = {
        static guint8 const header[] = {

+     guint32 byte_count = 0;    /* count of bytes in a section */
+     guint32 props_count = 0;   /* count of propertys global */

+     section_offset += sizeof(byte_count);  /* size of section byte count */
+     section_offset += sizeof(props_count); /* size of property count */
I'd rather see these with fixed size of 4 to correspond to the on
disk format rather than tying it to the compiler.

+     if (success) {
+             props_struct = g_new (AddPropsStruct, 1);
+             props_struct->props = props;
+             props_struct->udef_props = udef_props;
+             props_struct->it = 0;
+             props_struct->count = 0;
+             props_struct->dict_count = 0;
+             props_struct->offset = section_offset;
+             props_struct->dict_offset = section_offset;
+             gsf_doc_meta_data_foreach(meta_data, add_props, props_struct);
+     }
Seems like we need to use the 'doc_not_component' kludge here to
filter which of the properties to export.

+      */
+     if (success) {
+             if (prop_codepage != NULL) {
+                     // TODO: GSF_META_NAME_LANGUAGE = VT_UI2 - msdn says VT_I2
Hmm.  The largest values I've seen for this are 10,000 we can't
prove it either way.  Let's trust msdn.

+                     //GSF_LE_SET_GUINT32 (buf+0, msole_gsf_name_to_prop_type(GSF_META_NAME_LANGUAGE);
Watch out for C++ style comments.

+     /*
+      * Write 2. Section
+      */
Why are we duplicating all this code ?

+     if (prop_codepage != NULL)
+             g_free(prop_codepage);
g_free tests for NULL, no need to add wrapper tests.

+     return success;
I worry about situations where things partially fail and the
resulting output is broken.   Do you think it's feasible to get a
wrapper to this that would truncate the stream on failure ?

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