Re: Some ideas for next version


Le lundi 29 novembre 2004 à 12:13 +0100, Jean Bréfort a écrit :
Now that 1.4.0 is out, I'd like to discuss some points that should be
addressed IMHO in 1.5.

After many discussions with potential users, what they would like to
have in gnumeric and we don't have yet are, by decreasing order of
frequency in the responses:

- pivot tables (I don't use that so often and I was somewhat surprised,
but everybody but one asked for them).
- translation of function names as is xl an OOo-calc (this has already
been discussed).

And much less often:
- scripting.
- 3D graphics.

I'm planning to work on axis handling in order to support more plot
types: XY plot with 2 Y axis, 3D plots, waterfall plots.

(regarding implementation, it means introducing the notion of
primary/secondary axis, axis set rendering in GogChartView instead of in
GogAxisView, and adding some high level drawing functions to GogChart
for 2D/3D objects).

- curve fitting in graphs.


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