Re: Gnumeric 1.1.90 comments

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 12:25, Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 06:56:08PM -0700, Patrick wrote:
(1) Insert hyperlink icon is unclear and 'unpleasing'.
- Suggest a better icon and we'll consider it.
Yes, thats the difficult part.
Ideally this icon should be a stock GTK+ icon so we can have some
consistency across applications.

OOCalc has some sort of ambiguous world with a page by it which does not
seem like much of an improvement.

Mozilla composer has a fairly straightforward half-whole-half chain link
icon which seems reasonable.

Evolution doesn't seem to have a hyperlink dialog.

I don't have Abiword working yet so I don't know about this either
[another place where dialogs and mechanisms should be functional and
visibly similar]

I would suggest a straight chain-link as in Mozilla composer. I think
the emphasize should be on "link" not world or web or page or hyper. Who
wants to arrow to the world? (Or in this case orange arrow out of a blue
blob) [some constructive advice to whoever actually made the work, no
hate intended] A link is clearly recognizable, fairly international,
straight-forward, can represent a broken link sensibly, can be used as
an overlay on other icons if greater meaning is desired (in the same way
a little arrow is sometimes used to represent a shortcut) and can be
used in other places appropriately where an arrowed world might just
look weird (such as when hovering over a hyperlinked cell - the
chain-link could be drawn before the popup hyperlink tip to
differentiate it from a comment).

As for the icon itself, I don't think I'll attempt that right now.
Ideally Jimmac who seems to have made all of the other beautiful
Gnumeric icons, could be convinced to do it.

While I'm on this theme - Is there a corresponding set of standard GTK+
icons that go visually with the Gnumeric icons? I'm running RedHat beta
here and the Bluecurve icons look sort of childish in comparison to the
gnumeric ones. This is the downside to themed icon sets I suppose - you
have to be careful not clash too strongly with an application's native

[Oh. it looks like Jimmac made the hyperlink ones too.]

Should "External
link" be called "File link" instead? It seems more straightforward.
Inserting a hyperlink does not display anything in the cell containing
the hyperlink. Only the mouse cursor changes. Is this intended?
- 'External link' is definitely cumbersome, bugzilla and we can
  revisit for 1.3

- yes, that is what its supposed to do for now.  I suppose we could
  change the cell content if its blank.  Hard to say.
I don't understand your response.

Just to be clear we're talking about the same thing here.
If I enter a new hyperlink with and the "Tip" as "Gnumeric homepage",
there is absolute no visual indication on the cell where it was placed that a hyperlink is there
unless I hover over with the mouse.

To my mind this should be modelled more along the lines of an <a href=""></a> since this is the epitome
of common hyperlinks. The actual visual representation of a link could be a few possibilities:
 - none
 - display link location (ie. http://...)
 - description
 - use cell content

Hmm. I will need to think about this for a bit. I will bugzilla when I come up with something.

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