Re: how to crash 1.1.90

On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 12:56:48PM -0400, Allin Cottrell wrote:
1. Open a new workbook, enter some X and Y data in Sheet 1.

2. Do a simple regression (Tools, Statistical Analysis, Regression).
   After dragging out the data ranges, Press "OK" and accept the
   default of writing the output to a new sheet, "Regression (1)".

3. Go back to Sheet 1 and repeat step 2: this time by default
   output goes to "Regression (2)".

4. Tab to "Regression (2)" and do Edit, Sheet, Remove.  The sheet is
   removed OK.

5. Now "Regression (1)" is uppermost.  Do Edit, Sheet, Remove again.

6. Bang.

Fixed in CVS.
Turns out that the undo info for deleted sheets with comments was
being a touch over zealous about tidying up.

Thanks for the nice clear report.  Please file these in bugzilla
if possible it makes them easier to track.

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