newbie question


my source is a xml file. via xsl i want to generate xls.
as in my subject mentioned, i am a total newbie.
the only thing i found on the web was this documentation:

there is no second release of this manual.
i found loads of docs how to create xls with java and what xml - generated
with excel - looks like.

maybe you can help me to get familiar to this subject.

my second question:
i tried some tasks of the documentation i found on the web.
but some ( simple) thing just don' t want to work, or better: i do
something wrong, but i don't have a clue what this is.

          <gmr:Sheet DisplayFormulas="false" HideZero="false" HideGrid="
false" HideColHeader="false" HideRowHeader="false" DisplayOutlines="true"
OutlineSymbolsBelow="true" OutlineSymbolsRight="true">
            <gmr:Name>floras sheet</gmr:Name>
            <gmr:Cols DefaultSizePts="148">
               <gmr:ColInfo No="0" Unit="18" MarginA="2" MarginB="2" Count
            <gmr:Rows DefaultSizePts="50.8">
               <gmr:RowInfo No="0" Unit="42.8" MarginA="0" MarginB="0"
               <gmr:RowInfo No="10" Unit="12.8" MarginA="1" MarginB="0"
                 <gmr:StyleRegion startCol="0" startRow="0" endCol="255"
                    <gmr:Style HAlign="8" WrapText="0" Orient="4" Shade="0"
Indent="0" Fore="3000:3000:3000" Back="3000:3000:3000" PatternColor="
3000:3000:3000" Format="General">
                      <gmr:Font Unit="9" Bold="0" Italic="0" Underline="0"
                         <gmr:Top Style="1"/>
                         <gmr:Bottom Style="1"/>
                         <gmr:Left Style="1"/>
                         <gmr:Right Style="1"/>
                         <gmr:Diagonal Style="1"/>
                         <gmr:Rev-Diagonal Style="2"/>
               <gmr:Cell Col="1" Row="1" ValueType="60">
               <gmr:Cell Col="3" Row="1" ValueType="60">
               <gmr:Selections CursorCol="2" CursorRow="3">
                 <gmr:Selection startCol="2" startRow="3" endCol="2" endRow
but the formular, border and the backgroundcolor just does not work

thanks in advance


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