Re: Open Office file formats (Oasis-open) and gnumeric

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 03:55:29PM -0500, Russell McOrmond wrote:

  I am asking for the reverse:  To use code from an existing Gnumeric 
plug-in outside of Gnumeric itself.

This is not really feasible.  Our filters translate between a file
format and native gnumeric data structures.
  The existing Gnumeric plug-in to load Quattro Pro files (Corel Office)  
is (as far as I understand) GPL.  In order to use this code in a plug-in
that can possibly be used with we need to have code that is
LGPL.  Either we need to get the existing code re-licensed, or need to
start from scratch and write different code.

I do not understand.  As far as I understand it OO is GPL and SISSL,
with some LGPL for libraries they intent to export.

Note: The ultimate direction is to do for Quattro import like what has
been done with the Libwpd project for
Wordperfect (word processing) files.  This same library is intended to be
used by a stand-alone converter, a plug-in to, a plug-in
to AbiWord and possibly by KWord in the future as well.

While these sorts of libraries seem feasible for word processors I
do not think they are likely to work for spreadsheets.  The ratio of
markup to content is too high in my opinion.
    - subtleties in expression syntax
    - differing value format capabilities
    - not to mention all of the higher order capabilities
      (autofilter, pivots etc)

If you can make do with a standalone commandline converter then I
can commit something that uses the gnumeric framework.  Its been a
long term request and we can probably knock something into shape if
there are people available to do some work on it.

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