Re: Open Office file formats (Oasis-open) and gnumeric

On 10 Mar 2003, Jon Kåre Hellan wrote:

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 16:13, Russell McOrmond wrote:
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, Jody Goldberg wrote:

All of the plugins included in the primary source tree are GPLed.

  Is there any possibility of getting the authors to re-license under
LGPL?  Otherwise this code cannot be re-used, just used as an example for
duplicate code.

The plugins are dynamically linked into the Gnumeric executable. If this
makes the plugins a derived work of Gnumeric, it is only legal to
distribute GPL plugins.

  I am asking for the reverse:  To use code from an existing Gnumeric 
plug-in outside of Gnumeric itself.

  The existing Gnumeric plug-in to load Quattro Pro files (Corel Office)  
is (as far as I understand) GPL.  In order to use this code in a plug-in
that can possibly be used with we need to have code that is
LGPL.  Either we need to get the existing code re-licensed, or need to
start from scratch and write different code.

  I'm just checking to see if there is a way to save time for this project
by starting with some existing code.  If re-licensing is not possible,
then this group will not use the existing code.

The position of the FSF is that dynamic linking results in a derived
work. Although this has never been tested in a court of law, nobody in
the Free Software or Open Source communities wants to contest this

  I happen to agree with this interpretation, and hope that a court would 
agree if such a case were brought to court.

  In this case the LGPL was created for the purpose that we need.  Code
inside the plug-in would be LGPL, but it could be dynamically linked via
something like which is duel/dual LGPL/SISSL.

  This is a situation like the GLIBC library where the 'lesser' aspects of
the LGPL are appropriate.  We would have gpl-like anti-theft for the
converter code itself, but would still be able to use this code as a
plug-in to less-free or non-free programs.

Note: The ultimate direction is to do for Quattro import like what has
been done with the Libwpd project for
Wordperfect (word processing) files.  This same library is intended to be
used by a stand-alone converter, a plug-in to, a plug-in
to AbiWord and possibly by KWord in the future as well.

 Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
 Any 'hardware assist' for communications, whether it be eye-glasses, 
 VCR's, or personal computers, must be under the control of the citizen 
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