Re: disable-nls

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 11:13:40PM +0000, Sam Halliday wrote:
hi there,

i recently upgraded from gnumeric-1.0.6 to the latest stable and found
that the make bails straight away if i pass --disable-nls to the
configure script. are there plans to re-introduce non-nls builds or am i
being internationalised by force :D (it'd do me good probably)
The later.
It is simply too much work to even consider supporting that.  That
might have been somewhat feasible in 1.0.x.  However, the new
requirements for pango in the 1.1.x build blow the concept out of
the water.  It would also make import/export very difficult.  What
do you do when trying to read an xls file in a different encoding ...

So the short answer is that we're not even accepting patches for it.

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