Re: gnumeric and bonobo

I was wondering if it was possible to make a component that
exported a grid of constantly-updating numeric data, and plug that data
into a spreadsheet.

I was trying to do something very similar to this in my job here at an
environmental lab. We have an insturment that sends data to a computer's
serial port, and I wrote a small python class to acquire the data and
place it into a data structure(class). At the time, gnorba had been
antiquated, and bonobo was disabled. I've basically been dead in the
water on that project since then(not to worry, many other projects ;-).
Can anybody tell me if the bonobo component is now mature enough to
perform that kind of interaction? If so, it would open the possibility
for an open-source "software wedge" style application that could be
_very_ useful in a number of circumstances.

For those unfamiliar with software wedge, it's an application that
grabs data being sent to the serial port and then throws it at any
application that supports DDE. It's mainly used with Excel, and using it
here at work, I have the incredible displeasure of getting to code all
wedge code in VB. My boss is pro linux/gnumeric, but we've been waiting
for bonobo. If it's reintegrated into gnumeric, can anybody point me to
the docs?

Travis Whitton <whitton atlantic net>

The Golden Rule for being Proficient at Lisp:
Never iterate, and always follow the Golden Rule.

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